

Solving networking and learning for product managers

Solving networking and learning for product managers

Our target audience was clear from the get-go: aspiring product managers and those actively searching for product management roles. The design needed to cater to their specific needs—making practice sessions easy to schedule, providing networking opportunities, and offering a gamified experience to keep them engaged.

The overarching goal was to create a seamless user experience. We wanted to make the dashboard clean, easy to interpret, and ensure that critical actions—like scheduling mock interviews—were straightforward.

The design process wasn't without its challenges. Balancing a clean dashboard while aiming for targeted metrics like the number of completed mock interviews required meticulous planning. Additionally, maintaining a marketplace supply-demand balance was crucial. The design went through four significant iterations. The first was cluttered and intimidating, but each subsequent version became more streamlined, focusing on user ease and engagement.

Figma and Figjam were the tools of choice for this one-man design mission. Despite the challenges, the design journey was a fulfilling one, resulting in a platform that not only looks good but also serves its purpose effectively.

Since its launch, Pearmock has garnered positive feedback. With over 80 users and approximately 20 hours of practice sessions, the platform is already making an impact. Our North Star metric, along with other critical metrics like the number of verified users and peer-created mock interviews, serves as a testament to the design's effectiveness.


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