Playbook for building the next big thing in 2024

Published on

Nov 6, 2023

Updated on

Mar 10, 2024




Ever had a groundbreaking idea that you believe could change the world? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to dive into the fascinating world of building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in 2023. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of MVP development - from expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your product and growing your user base. So get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us, and let's get started!

Expressing Your Idea - The Mom's Test

Our mind is capable of coming up with very interesting models and ideas but not all of them might be great. How do you know if your idea is simple enough for its users to understand and spread? Here’s an excellent test to know the same: 

Picture this: you're sitting at the dinner table, trying to explain your revolutionary concept to your dear mother. If she nods in understanding and doesn't mistake your product for a kitchen gadget, then you've passed the Mom's Test!

There is no idea which can’t be simplified to a 5th grader level. I have been successful in explaining even the most complicated software ideas to my mother. If there isn’t a clear nod in the mom’s test, either your understanding of the idea or the processes involved or the market, something is incomplete. Identify what’s wrong, work on it and try again!

Bringing Your Idea to Life

Alright, so your idea is crystal clear, but now it needs a name, a face, and a place to call home. Give your MVP a catchy name that embodies its essence and captures the imaginations of your future users. And let's not forget the logo - the visual representation that will make heads turn and stand out in a crowded market. While building the brand identity, come up with a remarkable and easy to spread name and logo. 

With a name and logo in place, it's time to purchase a domain and bring your idea to life. Claim your virtual real estate and establish your online presence with a domain that reflects the uniqueness of your product. Don’t worry if you don’t get that .com domain name. Just pick any domain that is easy to pronounce and spread. SEO is independent of the domain name hence a .com domain is a mere good to have and not a necessity. 

Building the Hype

Now that you have a name, a logo, and a domain, it's time to gather your army of future users and gauge their interest. Quickly put up a static landing page with a heading and your core value proposition clearly mentioned. Capture the visitor’s email IDs on the landing page to create a waitlist for your product and attract initial sign-ups from prospective customers. These users should be handpicked from selected niche communities and shouldn’t be your friends and family! They won’t be the ones who will get you the core insights which the real users will give. 

Let the world know that something extraordinary is coming their way. Consider running ads to gauge market interest and ensure your product will have an eager audience. With a growing waitlist, you've given your MVP a face and a proud legion of prospective users.

Building Your MVP - A Blueprint for Success

Alright, buckle up because we're about to get into the heart of the MVP development process. Grab a notepad and document the problem you're aiming to solve. Dive deep, explore every nook and cranny, and dissect the pain points your users face. Once you've uncovered the problem, present your proposed solution and outline the most important features your MVP should have. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this document. Sequentially jot down the key features you have in mind in a numbered list. 

Once you have the list, ruthlessly prioritise these features! You only need the minimum solution that fulfils your value proposition. Don’t need to add all the bells and whistles just yet. Prioritise the feature set from your MVP feature list to get the final set of features you will build in your MVP. 

Remember, your MVP must be "viable" and capable of delivering the promised value proposition. This doesn't mean shipping something incomplete; it means providing a solution that can fully solve your users' problems.

User Flows - Navigating the Path to Success

To truly understand your product and communicate the solution effectively, you need to create user flows. This involves breaking down the user journey into simple decisions and actions, using a language that flows naturally. 

Imagine your users signing up via Google, selecting a product to view, proceeding to buy that product, and seamlessly adding their delivery address. Visualise these actions as square boxes. Use diamonds for options that the users might have, parallelograms for input/output, circles as connectors between different flows, and cylinders as databases. This approach simplifies the complexities, clarifies your understanding of the product, and aids in collaboration with stakeholders.

Building the Experience

Now comes the fun part – designing the UI/UX of your software product, whether it's a mobile app or a web app. You have two options: utilize a no-code platform like, Framer, Webflow, or WordPress, or assemble a team of college going interns to bring your vision to life. 

If you know how to use no-code tools, or if you are interested in learning them, you can use them to quickly build your MVP without the coding effort required. However, this speed does come with its disadvantages. Overall, the no-code platforms are generally costly when compared to an inhouse engineering team who can code. Apart from this, the end product that you get after using the no-code tools does not provide you the full control over the database and the product features as you would have when you build a product from scratch using code.

Whichever route you choose, focus on creating an intuitive and delightful user experience. Remember, your MVP should be functional and deliver the core value proposition.

Congratulations, your MVP is now ready for its grand debut! But before you go live, you need to test it with real users and gather their invaluable feedback. Engage your target audience, understand their pain points, and refine your solution based on their input. Embrace this feedback loop as a catalyst for growth and improvement. By listening to your users, you'll unlock the potential to refine, enhance, and truly deliver a remarkable product.

With a functional MVP that can deliver the core value proposition, it's time to launch your product to the market. Take advantage of your existing waitlist and notify them about your grand entrance. Leverage email marketing strategies to generate excitement and anticipation. Once you've launched, keep a vigilant eye on key performance metrics and user satisfaction. Measure user acquisition, retention, engagement, and revenue to gauge the success and impact of your creation.

Data in hand and feedback in mind, it's time to iterate on your MVP. Incorporate the insights gathered from real users and refine your product. At this point, you can embrace agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to prioritise and execute tasks efficiently. Be open to transforming your MVP into its most polished version, ensuring it surpasses the expectations of your users.

You've made it this far. Your MVP is solid, your users are satisfied, and it's time to scale your operations. Focus on growth strategies, reach new markets, and expand your user base. Nurture your relationship with existing users and make them your ambassadors. This is the moment to share the product you poured your heart and soul into with as many people as possible.

Phew! We've covered a lot of ground in this journey of building an MVP in 2023. From expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your creation, you've become the master architect of your own destiny. Remember, building an MVP is an exhilarating adventure filled with challenges and successes. Embrace the process, adapt to the feedback, and let your imagination soar.

That’s it! Go forth, and build that MVP that will shape the future!


Ever had a groundbreaking idea that you believe could change the world? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to dive into the fascinating world of building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in 2023. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of MVP development - from expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your product and growing your user base. So get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us, and let's get started!

Expressing Your Idea - The Mom's Test

Our mind is capable of coming up with very interesting models and ideas but not all of them might be great. How do you know if your idea is simple enough for its users to understand and spread? Here’s an excellent test to know the same: 

Picture this: you're sitting at the dinner table, trying to explain your revolutionary concept to your dear mother. If she nods in understanding and doesn't mistake your product for a kitchen gadget, then you've passed the Mom's Test!

There is no idea which can’t be simplified to a 5th grader level. I have been successful in explaining even the most complicated software ideas to my mother. If there isn’t a clear nod in the mom’s test, either your understanding of the idea or the processes involved or the market, something is incomplete. Identify what’s wrong, work on it and try again!

Bringing Your Idea to Life

Alright, so your idea is crystal clear, but now it needs a name, a face, and a place to call home. Give your MVP a catchy name that embodies its essence and captures the imaginations of your future users. And let's not forget the logo - the visual representation that will make heads turn and stand out in a crowded market. While building the brand identity, come up with a remarkable and easy to spread name and logo. 

With a name and logo in place, it's time to purchase a domain and bring your idea to life. Claim your virtual real estate and establish your online presence with a domain that reflects the uniqueness of your product. Don’t worry if you don’t get that .com domain name. Just pick any domain that is easy to pronounce and spread. SEO is independent of the domain name hence a .com domain is a mere good to have and not a necessity. 

Building the Hype

Now that you have a name, a logo, and a domain, it's time to gather your army of future users and gauge their interest. Quickly put up a static landing page with a heading and your core value proposition clearly mentioned. Capture the visitor’s email IDs on the landing page to create a waitlist for your product and attract initial sign-ups from prospective customers. These users should be handpicked from selected niche communities and shouldn’t be your friends and family! They won’t be the ones who will get you the core insights which the real users will give. 

Let the world know that something extraordinary is coming their way. Consider running ads to gauge market interest and ensure your product will have an eager audience. With a growing waitlist, you've given your MVP a face and a proud legion of prospective users.

Building Your MVP - A Blueprint for Success

Alright, buckle up because we're about to get into the heart of the MVP development process. Grab a notepad and document the problem you're aiming to solve. Dive deep, explore every nook and cranny, and dissect the pain points your users face. Once you've uncovered the problem, present your proposed solution and outline the most important features your MVP should have. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this document. Sequentially jot down the key features you have in mind in a numbered list. 

Once you have the list, ruthlessly prioritise these features! You only need the minimum solution that fulfils your value proposition. Don’t need to add all the bells and whistles just yet. Prioritise the feature set from your MVP feature list to get the final set of features you will build in your MVP. 

Remember, your MVP must be "viable" and capable of delivering the promised value proposition. This doesn't mean shipping something incomplete; it means providing a solution that can fully solve your users' problems.

User Flows - Navigating the Path to Success

To truly understand your product and communicate the solution effectively, you need to create user flows. This involves breaking down the user journey into simple decisions and actions, using a language that flows naturally. 

Imagine your users signing up via Google, selecting a product to view, proceeding to buy that product, and seamlessly adding their delivery address. Visualise these actions as square boxes. Use diamonds for options that the users might have, parallelograms for input/output, circles as connectors between different flows, and cylinders as databases. This approach simplifies the complexities, clarifies your understanding of the product, and aids in collaboration with stakeholders.

Building the Experience

Now comes the fun part – designing the UI/UX of your software product, whether it's a mobile app or a web app. You have two options: utilize a no-code platform like, Framer, Webflow, or WordPress, or assemble a team of college going interns to bring your vision to life. 

If you know how to use no-code tools, or if you are interested in learning them, you can use them to quickly build your MVP without the coding effort required. However, this speed does come with its disadvantages. Overall, the no-code platforms are generally costly when compared to an inhouse engineering team who can code. Apart from this, the end product that you get after using the no-code tools does not provide you the full control over the database and the product features as you would have when you build a product from scratch using code.

Whichever route you choose, focus on creating an intuitive and delightful user experience. Remember, your MVP should be functional and deliver the core value proposition.

Congratulations, your MVP is now ready for its grand debut! But before you go live, you need to test it with real users and gather their invaluable feedback. Engage your target audience, understand their pain points, and refine your solution based on their input. Embrace this feedback loop as a catalyst for growth and improvement. By listening to your users, you'll unlock the potential to refine, enhance, and truly deliver a remarkable product.

With a functional MVP that can deliver the core value proposition, it's time to launch your product to the market. Take advantage of your existing waitlist and notify them about your grand entrance. Leverage email marketing strategies to generate excitement and anticipation. Once you've launched, keep a vigilant eye on key performance metrics and user satisfaction. Measure user acquisition, retention, engagement, and revenue to gauge the success and impact of your creation.

Data in hand and feedback in mind, it's time to iterate on your MVP. Incorporate the insights gathered from real users and refine your product. At this point, you can embrace agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to prioritise and execute tasks efficiently. Be open to transforming your MVP into its most polished version, ensuring it surpasses the expectations of your users.

You've made it this far. Your MVP is solid, your users are satisfied, and it's time to scale your operations. Focus on growth strategies, reach new markets, and expand your user base. Nurture your relationship with existing users and make them your ambassadors. This is the moment to share the product you poured your heart and soul into with as many people as possible.

Phew! We've covered a lot of ground in this journey of building an MVP in 2023. From expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your creation, you've become the master architect of your own destiny. Remember, building an MVP is an exhilarating adventure filled with challenges and successes. Embrace the process, adapt to the feedback, and let your imagination soar.

That’s it! Go forth, and build that MVP that will shape the future!


Ever had a groundbreaking idea that you believe could change the world? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to dive into the fascinating world of building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in 2023. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of MVP development - from expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your product and growing your user base. So get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us, and let's get started!

Expressing Your Idea - The Mom's Test

Our mind is capable of coming up with very interesting models and ideas but not all of them might be great. How do you know if your idea is simple enough for its users to understand and spread? Here’s an excellent test to know the same: 

Picture this: you're sitting at the dinner table, trying to explain your revolutionary concept to your dear mother. If she nods in understanding and doesn't mistake your product for a kitchen gadget, then you've passed the Mom's Test!

There is no idea which can’t be simplified to a 5th grader level. I have been successful in explaining even the most complicated software ideas to my mother. If there isn’t a clear nod in the mom’s test, either your understanding of the idea or the processes involved or the market, something is incomplete. Identify what’s wrong, work on it and try again!

Bringing Your Idea to Life

Alright, so your idea is crystal clear, but now it needs a name, a face, and a place to call home. Give your MVP a catchy name that embodies its essence and captures the imaginations of your future users. And let's not forget the logo - the visual representation that will make heads turn and stand out in a crowded market. While building the brand identity, come up with a remarkable and easy to spread name and logo. 

With a name and logo in place, it's time to purchase a domain and bring your idea to life. Claim your virtual real estate and establish your online presence with a domain that reflects the uniqueness of your product. Don’t worry if you don’t get that .com domain name. Just pick any domain that is easy to pronounce and spread. SEO is independent of the domain name hence a .com domain is a mere good to have and not a necessity. 

Building the Hype

Now that you have a name, a logo, and a domain, it's time to gather your army of future users and gauge their interest. Quickly put up a static landing page with a heading and your core value proposition clearly mentioned. Capture the visitor’s email IDs on the landing page to create a waitlist for your product and attract initial sign-ups from prospective customers. These users should be handpicked from selected niche communities and shouldn’t be your friends and family! They won’t be the ones who will get you the core insights which the real users will give. 

Let the world know that something extraordinary is coming their way. Consider running ads to gauge market interest and ensure your product will have an eager audience. With a growing waitlist, you've given your MVP a face and a proud legion of prospective users.

Building Your MVP - A Blueprint for Success

Alright, buckle up because we're about to get into the heart of the MVP development process. Grab a notepad and document the problem you're aiming to solve. Dive deep, explore every nook and cranny, and dissect the pain points your users face. Once you've uncovered the problem, present your proposed solution and outline the most important features your MVP should have. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this document. Sequentially jot down the key features you have in mind in a numbered list. 

Once you have the list, ruthlessly prioritise these features! You only need the minimum solution that fulfils your value proposition. Don’t need to add all the bells and whistles just yet. Prioritise the feature set from your MVP feature list to get the final set of features you will build in your MVP. 

Remember, your MVP must be "viable" and capable of delivering the promised value proposition. This doesn't mean shipping something incomplete; it means providing a solution that can fully solve your users' problems.

User Flows - Navigating the Path to Success

To truly understand your product and communicate the solution effectively, you need to create user flows. This involves breaking down the user journey into simple decisions and actions, using a language that flows naturally. 

Imagine your users signing up via Google, selecting a product to view, proceeding to buy that product, and seamlessly adding their delivery address. Visualise these actions as square boxes. Use diamonds for options that the users might have, parallelograms for input/output, circles as connectors between different flows, and cylinders as databases. This approach simplifies the complexities, clarifies your understanding of the product, and aids in collaboration with stakeholders.

Building the Experience

Now comes the fun part – designing the UI/UX of your software product, whether it's a mobile app or a web app. You have two options: utilize a no-code platform like, Framer, Webflow, or WordPress, or assemble a team of college going interns to bring your vision to life. 

If you know how to use no-code tools, or if you are interested in learning them, you can use them to quickly build your MVP without the coding effort required. However, this speed does come with its disadvantages. Overall, the no-code platforms are generally costly when compared to an inhouse engineering team who can code. Apart from this, the end product that you get after using the no-code tools does not provide you the full control over the database and the product features as you would have when you build a product from scratch using code.

Whichever route you choose, focus on creating an intuitive and delightful user experience. Remember, your MVP should be functional and deliver the core value proposition.

Congratulations, your MVP is now ready for its grand debut! But before you go live, you need to test it with real users and gather their invaluable feedback. Engage your target audience, understand their pain points, and refine your solution based on their input. Embrace this feedback loop as a catalyst for growth and improvement. By listening to your users, you'll unlock the potential to refine, enhance, and truly deliver a remarkable product.

With a functional MVP that can deliver the core value proposition, it's time to launch your product to the market. Take advantage of your existing waitlist and notify them about your grand entrance. Leverage email marketing strategies to generate excitement and anticipation. Once you've launched, keep a vigilant eye on key performance metrics and user satisfaction. Measure user acquisition, retention, engagement, and revenue to gauge the success and impact of your creation.

Data in hand and feedback in mind, it's time to iterate on your MVP. Incorporate the insights gathered from real users and refine your product. At this point, you can embrace agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to prioritise and execute tasks efficiently. Be open to transforming your MVP into its most polished version, ensuring it surpasses the expectations of your users.

You've made it this far. Your MVP is solid, your users are satisfied, and it's time to scale your operations. Focus on growth strategies, reach new markets, and expand your user base. Nurture your relationship with existing users and make them your ambassadors. This is the moment to share the product you poured your heart and soul into with as many people as possible.

Phew! We've covered a lot of ground in this journey of building an MVP in 2023. From expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your creation, you've become the master architect of your own destiny. Remember, building an MVP is an exhilarating adventure filled with challenges and successes. Embrace the process, adapt to the feedback, and let your imagination soar.

That’s it! Go forth, and build that MVP that will shape the future!


Ever had a groundbreaking idea that you believe could change the world? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to dive into the fascinating world of building Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in 2023. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the ins and outs of MVP development - from expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your product and growing your user base. So get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us, and let's get started!

Expressing Your Idea - The Mom's Test

Our mind is capable of coming up with very interesting models and ideas but not all of them might be great. How do you know if your idea is simple enough for its users to understand and spread? Here’s an excellent test to know the same: 

Picture this: you're sitting at the dinner table, trying to explain your revolutionary concept to your dear mother. If she nods in understanding and doesn't mistake your product for a kitchen gadget, then you've passed the Mom's Test!

There is no idea which can’t be simplified to a 5th grader level. I have been successful in explaining even the most complicated software ideas to my mother. If there isn’t a clear nod in the mom’s test, either your understanding of the idea or the processes involved or the market, something is incomplete. Identify what’s wrong, work on it and try again!

Bringing Your Idea to Life

Alright, so your idea is crystal clear, but now it needs a name, a face, and a place to call home. Give your MVP a catchy name that embodies its essence and captures the imaginations of your future users. And let's not forget the logo - the visual representation that will make heads turn and stand out in a crowded market. While building the brand identity, come up with a remarkable and easy to spread name and logo. 

With a name and logo in place, it's time to purchase a domain and bring your idea to life. Claim your virtual real estate and establish your online presence with a domain that reflects the uniqueness of your product. Don’t worry if you don’t get that .com domain name. Just pick any domain that is easy to pronounce and spread. SEO is independent of the domain name hence a .com domain is a mere good to have and not a necessity. 

Building the Hype

Now that you have a name, a logo, and a domain, it's time to gather your army of future users and gauge their interest. Quickly put up a static landing page with a heading and your core value proposition clearly mentioned. Capture the visitor’s email IDs on the landing page to create a waitlist for your product and attract initial sign-ups from prospective customers. These users should be handpicked from selected niche communities and shouldn’t be your friends and family! They won’t be the ones who will get you the core insights which the real users will give. 

Let the world know that something extraordinary is coming their way. Consider running ads to gauge market interest and ensure your product will have an eager audience. With a growing waitlist, you've given your MVP a face and a proud legion of prospective users.

Building Your MVP - A Blueprint for Success

Alright, buckle up because we're about to get into the heart of the MVP development process. Grab a notepad and document the problem you're aiming to solve. Dive deep, explore every nook and cranny, and dissect the pain points your users face. Once you've uncovered the problem, present your proposed solution and outline the most important features your MVP should have. You don’t have to spend a lot of time on this document. Sequentially jot down the key features you have in mind in a numbered list. 

Once you have the list, ruthlessly prioritise these features! You only need the minimum solution that fulfils your value proposition. Don’t need to add all the bells and whistles just yet. Prioritise the feature set from your MVP feature list to get the final set of features you will build in your MVP. 

Remember, your MVP must be "viable" and capable of delivering the promised value proposition. This doesn't mean shipping something incomplete; it means providing a solution that can fully solve your users' problems.

User Flows - Navigating the Path to Success

To truly understand your product and communicate the solution effectively, you need to create user flows. This involves breaking down the user journey into simple decisions and actions, using a language that flows naturally. 

Imagine your users signing up via Google, selecting a product to view, proceeding to buy that product, and seamlessly adding their delivery address. Visualise these actions as square boxes. Use diamonds for options that the users might have, parallelograms for input/output, circles as connectors between different flows, and cylinders as databases. This approach simplifies the complexities, clarifies your understanding of the product, and aids in collaboration with stakeholders.

Building the Experience

Now comes the fun part – designing the UI/UX of your software product, whether it's a mobile app or a web app. You have two options: utilize a no-code platform like, Framer, Webflow, or WordPress, or assemble a team of college going interns to bring your vision to life. 

If you know how to use no-code tools, or if you are interested in learning them, you can use them to quickly build your MVP without the coding effort required. However, this speed does come with its disadvantages. Overall, the no-code platforms are generally costly when compared to an inhouse engineering team who can code. Apart from this, the end product that you get after using the no-code tools does not provide you the full control over the database and the product features as you would have when you build a product from scratch using code.

Whichever route you choose, focus on creating an intuitive and delightful user experience. Remember, your MVP should be functional and deliver the core value proposition.

Congratulations, your MVP is now ready for its grand debut! But before you go live, you need to test it with real users and gather their invaluable feedback. Engage your target audience, understand their pain points, and refine your solution based on their input. Embrace this feedback loop as a catalyst for growth and improvement. By listening to your users, you'll unlock the potential to refine, enhance, and truly deliver a remarkable product.

With a functional MVP that can deliver the core value proposition, it's time to launch your product to the market. Take advantage of your existing waitlist and notify them about your grand entrance. Leverage email marketing strategies to generate excitement and anticipation. Once you've launched, keep a vigilant eye on key performance metrics and user satisfaction. Measure user acquisition, retention, engagement, and revenue to gauge the success and impact of your creation.

Data in hand and feedback in mind, it's time to iterate on your MVP. Incorporate the insights gathered from real users and refine your product. At this point, you can embrace agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to prioritise and execute tasks efficiently. Be open to transforming your MVP into its most polished version, ensuring it surpasses the expectations of your users.

You've made it this far. Your MVP is solid, your users are satisfied, and it's time to scale your operations. Focus on growth strategies, reach new markets, and expand your user base. Nurture your relationship with existing users and make them your ambassadors. This is the moment to share the product you poured your heart and soul into with as many people as possible.

Phew! We've covered a lot of ground in this journey of building an MVP in 2023. From expressing your idea in simple terms to scaling your creation, you've become the master architect of your own destiny. Remember, building an MVP is an exhilarating adventure filled with challenges and successes. Embrace the process, adapt to the feedback, and let your imagination soar.

That’s it! Go forth, and build that MVP that will shape the future!


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